SALE – 62
RENT – 9

Coronado condo Aventura Condominiums for Sale and Rent

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Coronado Towers condominiums, Aventura

Coronado Towers is the very place to look for the serenity of the nature in close integrity to modern business life. Situated in city of Aventura, right next to the splendid Turnberry Golf course, Coronado Towers give out to endless Atlantic edged with gorgeous tropical scenery and comfortable contemporary Miami spirit. Golf course, City of Sunny isles are just at your hand – sparkling shaded ocean enchants your soul with subtle song of light breeze.

Coronado I, II, III is the unique quintessence of the coastal attitude – build back to 1975 it envelopes you with caring warmth of sun, easy touch of water and attentive yet not disturbing intrusion to your privacy. It’s the place with its own vibration, where everyone can satisfy ones desires: business style of professionals, family runaway to the pure nature vacation, charming lonely ambiance of inspiring individuals – briefly, Coronado heart is fairly impatient to welcome those, who appreciate the authenticity of the moment.